Thursday, July 15, 2010

Look I'm an old fashion guy. Commitment is important to me. And if there’s one thing I hate is when rich people complain about money. And rich people get mad about money!!!They get upset going from 5 million to 4 million (What!) stop bro you in the millions still. I'm happy when I get 2 dollars. But I have an exception, (well more like three) Derelle Revis Chris Johnson and Andre Johnson who are all fighting for new contracts. Hey white men running the organizations for the Jets, Titans, and Texans GIVE THESE MEN THEIR MONEY. Look I don’t like handing out money more than the next guy but when the guy deserves it..... Look at Chris 2,006 yards this season only 6 men have ever crossed the 2,000 mark. Andre Johnson is the best wide receiver in the NFL (sorry Larry) and works hard for the Texans year in and year out with no pre Madonna status. Now Derelle Revis that’s all Rex Ryan's fault tell him to shut up next time and stop pumping people’s heads. I’m not fond of the hold out strategy but Jesus can we get some love. These men aren't even asking for trades they want to stay. NFL your headed for a new bargaining agreement soon and I can see the NFL summers turning into what the NBA had this year. Players will create and sign contracts that give them options, options to LEAVE. (Ode to Lebron James)

- 4YContracts

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