Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friends With Benefits !!!

Many people ask What's Friends With Benefits?

Is it when you're just friends with the opposite sex and you do more than what friends do? Or is it when you really don't know what to call your friend ? Well I say a friend with benefits is when you have this friend that you really like and you all don't work out as a couple, then of course it's best you just make them your friend with benefits so you won't be tied down to anybody.You can do what friends don't normally do.Like walk down the beach and hold hands or even go out to dinner.You won't have a guilty conscience of the actions you choose to take. However, what if your friend with benefits finds someone new, then what do you do? The respectful thing to do is limit your visitations of being with your friend with benefits.Then how does that make you feel? Do they stay friends with benefits or do you just fall back until they come back into your life? I think you should just fall back because if you really liked them and respect them then you wouldn't disrespect them and their new relationship.

 By: Akysha White

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