Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Never Stop Until You Get What You Want.

My mother always said work for what you want. I don't think she meant expose your body just to get that special guy.

 It's fine to want something, but it's another to go to the extreme. If there's a guy already in a committed relationship, and doesn't have interest in you, that's your time to back down. That is not a green light to throw yourself at him. On the other hand, if the guy likes you he'll come to you;' not you chasing him. Let the guy be Tom while you play Jerry, but that doesn't mean have him waiting forever or else he will move on and leave you wanting him more. Also guys if a lady comes to you to vent because her boyfriend and her having problems doesn't mean it's your time to get in good. When a girl is vulnerable don't persuade her into something. She then becomes confused and uncomfortable often times making decisions on impulse verses thinking things through. Never stop until your happy. You can't be happy with someone that doesnt belong to you.

~La La Significant.~

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