Thursday, July 15, 2010

The LeBron James Sweepstakes First Prize Is Worth $10,000

In this week's news, Vaneisha Robinson has the most valuable prized possesion in her hands. Four years before today Vaneisha found this delicate piece of jewelry at a garage sale for only 5 bucks. On yesterday she told everybody that she would be selling this piece of fine jewelry on ebay hoping to gain enough money to open a new boxing gym. This DIAMOND encrusted jersey was worth a double digit prize which is

 As my personal opinion I think that the deal was a great deal and I hope she does receive the money for her boxing gym.  Why   hate on LeBron?  He is only doing what he can to better himself and his family in life. If anyone should be mad he left Cleveland it should be his family and his teammates in Cleveland. OMG give the man a break.
Good Night America
Joshua Harris

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