Thursday, July 15, 2010

Facebook Scam

A new scamming link has hit Facebook, The Truth About Coca- Cola. This scam tells users that it will show a revealing video about the Coca- Cola products, however, all it's really interested in is your personal information. It'll pop up on your page, suggest that you to follow the link attached to it, and the next thing you know you're taken to different websites asking for information that no application should be given. I encourage Facebook followers to avoid suspicious links on Facebook, especially ones that greet you with "Hey, Markus Payne, I just found this (hilarious, awesome, or shocking) video..." or greetings that use your full display name, because most likely they will be scams. Facebook followers, it is indeed safe to drink Coca-Cola, so beware of the Coke scam and don't buy into it.

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